


AlexRenew purchases a wide variety of goods and services to help run and manage our daily operations. We issue solicitations in the form of requests for proposals (RFP), qualifications (RFQ), information (RFI), expressions of interest (RFEI), invitations to apply for prequalification (IPQ), and invitations for bid (IFB).

All notices, including solicitations, will be posted at:

Please review our purchasing terms and conditions (PDF) and our purchasing manual (PDF) before submitting any response. For general questions, please email

Open Solicitations
Solicitation Category Solicitation Type Notice Date Close Date

Notice of Contract Award - RFQ No. 24-001 Solids Upgrade Program (CMAR)

RFQ NO. 24-001

AlexRenew will be procuring a Construction-Manager-At-Risk contract to execute solids process upgrades at our wastewater treatment facility. An Information Session and Site Tour will occur on September 20, 2023 at 10:00AM at AlexRenew (1800 Limerick Street, Alexandria, VA 22314)

Awarded Contracts RFQ 09-11-2023
4:48 pm

Notice of Award of Sole Source Contract N0. 24-003

Sole Source Contract Awardee: Carter Pump, LLC
Goods and Services to be obtained: Plunger Pumps for Gravity Thickening Process
Awarded: 8/15/2023

Awarded Contracts 08-15-2023
10:51 am

Notice of Award of Emergency Contract 23-EPA-01

Date Posted: March 31, 2023
Date Awarded: March 31, 2023
Emergency Contract Awardee: Johnson Controls, Inc.
Goods and services to be obtained: Heat Exchanger, Cleaning and Service of Condenser on YMC2 Chiller S: 01SC5344

Awarded Contracts 06-02-2023
10:24 am

ITB No. 23-003 Provision of Wastewater Treatment Chemicals and Polymer

Solicitation Tabulations ITB 06-02-2023
9:30 am
2:00 pm
Section Title
Accordion Items

Information obtained on this web site is provided solely as a convenience to potential Bidders and Offerors, and such Bidders and Offerors assume all risks associated with using this site. Additionally, by downloading the solicitations contained herein you hereby agree not to alter the contents of the document in any way. Further, by downloading the solicitation documents from this site, you agree that you are responsible for obtaining any addenda that may be issued.

The date and time of posting on the AlexRenew website shall be the date and time of the official issuance or notification of the solicitation or any modification to the solicitation process. It is the responsibility of each vendor to check the AlexRenew website daily for posted notifications, amendments, and updates. 

Thank you for your interest in conducting business with AlexRenew. 

Where does AlexRenew advertise RFPs, RFQs, RFIs, RFEIs, and IFBs?

All Public Notices regarding requests for proposal (RFP), qualifications (RFQ), information (RFI), expressions of interest (RFEI), and invitations for bid (IFB) are advertised in one or more of the following ways: 

Suppliers are encouraged to attend bid openings. Unless otherwise specified, awards will be made within 60 days of the opening. 

Also, make sure you’ve completed your eVA registration

For help with general questions regarding doing business with AlexRenew, please email

We are proud to be a resource for you and your business.

Does AlexRenew host vendor outreach sessions?

AlexRenew, in partnership with the City of Alexandria, Alexandria City Public Schools (ACPS), and Alexandria Transit Company (DASH), periodically host a joint series of vendor outreach sessions. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there are currently no upcoming sessions scheduled