Take a Tour
Please note, we are not currently providing in-person wastewater treatment plant tours due to the Waterfront Tunnel construction.

Educational Lobby Tour
AlexRenew’s Environmental Center lobby features interactive exhibits that illustrate how AlexRenew treats sewage for the City of Alexandria, and how we recover resources from the water we treat. Please contact communications@alexrenew.com to inquire about exploring our educational lobby (open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.).

Self-Guided Four Mile Run Pump Station
Located next to Cora Kelly School is our Four Mile Run Pump Station – an essential component of helping wastewater get to our wastewater treatment plant. On the fence surrounding the pump station is an educational exhibit that discusses how wastewater is transported from your home or business to AlexRenew, and how we recover and reuse resources from treating wastewater.

3650 Commonwealth Ave., Alexandria VA 22305
Wastewater Treatment Plant Tours
(Available for water and wastewater industry groups)
While we build the RiverRenew Tunnel Project on our wastewater treatment facility, we’ve suspended tours for the public. To take a virtual tour of our wastewater treatment plant, check out the video below.