Winter Quarter Average


Winter Quarter Average

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AlexRenew uses a Winter Quarter Average in our wastewater bill. The Winter Quarter Average is a cap that ensures customers are billed for indoor water use only — meaning water used at home that makes its way to AlexRenew’s wastewater treatment plant — during the Spring, Summer, and Fall months.

What is the Winter Quarter Average?

The Winter Quarter Average is a billing cap based on a customer’s water use history from December through February (Winter Quarter). The cap is used to ensure customers are billed for indoor water use only — meaning water that is used at a home and makes its way to AlexRenew’s wastewater treatment plant. Qualified customers will be billed from March through November using their actual water use or Winter Quarter Average, whichever is lower.

Why is it a “Winter” Quarter Average?

The period from December to February is most representative of a customer’s true indoor water use. Your average water use during these months is calculated to ensure you are billed for water that flows to AlexRenew for treatment, and nothing more.

Alternatively, during the non-winter months, customers use water for outdoor activities like irrigation and other landscaping needs. Water used for these activities does not typically flow through the wastewater collection system to AlexRenew.

A person washing dishes in the kitchen sink.
A photo of a person washing dishes in the kitchen sink.

How is my Winter Quarter Average calculated?

Your Winter Quarter Average is calculated based on your average water use during the months of December, January, and February. Water use information is provided by Virginia American Water.

Are there eligibility criteria for the Winter Quarter Average?

Winter averaging applies to individually metered residential-single family customer accounts with an average of at least 1,000 gallons per month over the previously billed period of December through February (Winter Quarter).

Which accounts do not meet the eligibility criteria for the Winter Quarter Average?

New residential accounts with no winter water use history - New residential accounts with no established water use history for December – February (Winter Quarter) will not be eligible for the Winter Quarter Average. These accounts will be billed based on their actual water use, up to a maximum of 12,000 gallons per month, until a Winter Quarter Average is established during the next winter quarter.

Existing residential accounts with zero water use in any of the Winter Quarter Months (December, January, OR February) - will not be eligible for the Winter Quarter Average.  

Commercial customers including multi-family units - there is no wastewater billing cap for commercial customers since most of their water use is returned to the sewer system.

What if I am a new customer, with no established Winter Quarter Average?

New residential accounts with no established water use history for December – February (Winter Quarter) will not be eligible for the Winter Quarter Average. These accounts will be billed based on their actual water use, up to a maximum of 12,000 gallons per month, until a Winter Quarter Average is established during the next winter quarter.

What if my wastewater use for any given month is less than my Winter Quarter Average – how will I be charged?

If your account qualifies for Winter Quarter Average, from March through November you will be billed using either your Winter Quarter Average or actual water use, whichever is lower.

Accounts that are not eligible for the Winter Quarter Average are billed based on their actual water use.