Deadline Extended for the 2025 Ellen Pickering Environmental Excellence Award


Deadline Extended for the 2025 Ellen Pickering Environmental Excellence Award

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AlexRenew and Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission have extended the nominations deadline for the 2025 Ellen Pickering Environmental Excellence Award, which recognizes members of the community who are committed to preserving natural resources.

For Immediate Release: March 12, 2025

The City of Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission and AlexRenew, the wastewater treatment authority serving the City of Alexandria, have extended the deadline by one week to submit nominees for the 2025 Ellen Pickering Environmental Excellence Award. This award recognizes members of the Alexandria community who demonstrate a commitment to protecting the environment and preserving local natural resources. The nominations deadline has been extended to Friday, March 21, 2025; nominations must be received by 5:00 pm EDT. 

The City of Alexandria will celebrate Earth Month 2025: Steps to a Greener Alexandria with several activities throughout April and will announce the Pickering Award winner during the Del Ray GardenFest on Sunday, April 27, 2025.

Pickering Award 2025

The award was established to honor the legacy of the late Ellen Pickering, a former member of both the City Council and the board of AlexRenew. Ms. Pickering, a long-standing advocate for environmental conservation, worked to ensure that the Potomac River waterfront was accessible to the public and not reserved for private interests. She also helped create the Mount Vernon Trail between Alexandria and Washington, DC, and managed the installation of 1,000 resident-donated cherry trees during her tenure as chair of the Alexandria Beautification Commission.

To be eligible for the Pickering Award, nominees, which can include residents, groups, clubs, organizations, or corporate neighbors, must live or operate within the City of Alexandria. The actions of the nominees must have a direct impact on protecting the natural environment and its resources within the City of Alexandria.

The Award Committee includes representatives from AlexRenew, the Alexandria Environmental Policy Commission, and the Pickering family. Each year, the committee awards an individual or organization for their work caring for our environment in active, demonstrable ways.

Visit the Ellen Pickering Environmental Excellence Award page for more information, including eligibility criteria, nominating requirements and the selection process. 

Media Inquiries for AlexRenew                    
Matt Robertson
Director of Communications 
703.721.3500 ext 2105

